
BibAuthorID: hotfixes for front-end and back-end

Authored by Henning Weiler <henning.weiler@cern.ch> on Mar 18 2011, 23:00.


BibAuthorID: hotfixes for front-end and back-end

  • Fixed link display issues in Authorpages
  • Fixed issue in deleting from iterated list
  • Fixed logging to console in case of no processed documents
  • Fixed find_personid_by_name sql query to circumvent massive MySQL IN-statement-induced latencies


Event Timeline

Tibor Simko <tibor.simko@cern.ch> committed R3600:e7c2f869975c: BibAuthorID: hotfixes for front-end and back-end (authored by Henning Weiler <henning.weiler@cern.ch>).Mar 20 2011, 03:19