
BibEdit: HoldingPen multiple improvements

Authored by Nikolaos Kalodimas <nikolaos.kalodimas@cern.ch> on Jun 11 2013, 10:07.


BibEdit: HoldingPen multiple improvements

  • Add hide preview button of HP changeset preview on top.
  • When clicking on a HP change div, avoid opening the cell for editing.
  • Algorithm does not compare any more the fields according to the sequence they appear , but better according to their content.
  • Send all queued requests before apply/reject all
  • Removes menu buttons and added fields from view when user switches to Text Marc mode.
  • Documentation and refactoring of comparison algorithm related functions.
  • Increase size of div containing changeset buttons

Reviewed-by: Javier Martin Montull <javier.martin.montull@cern.ch>

BibEdit: fix Firefox's window.event bug

  • Firefox does not have the resctricted keyword event, as Chrome/IE do. Adapt code to work on Firefox.

Event Timeline

Samuele Kaplun <samuele.kaplun@cern.ch> committed R3600:f6374d122f7b: BibEdit: HoldingPen multiple improvements (authored by Nikolaos Kalodimas <nikolaos.kalodimas@cern.ch>).Dec 18 2013, 16:21