
BibKnowledge: Additional fixes to json export API

Authored by Joe Blaylock <jrbl@slac.stanford.edu> on Apr 29 2011, 00:53.


BibKnowledge: Additional fixes to json export API

  • Adds two API functions for use in, e.g., BFEs, etc: + bibknowledge.get_kbd_values_json() + bibknowledge.get_kb_mappings_json()
  • /kb/export REST API supports JSON output with format types 'jquery' OR 'json'.
  • Separation of unit and regression tests
  • New regression tests
  • Refactoring inside bibknowledgeadmin.kb_export to make for easier reading

    (closes #604)


Event Timeline

Joe Blaylock <jrbl@slac.stanford.edu> committed R3600:f95d637a28ec: BibKnowledge: Additional fixes to json export API (authored by Joe Blaylock <jrbl@slac.stanford.edu>).Apr 29 2011, 01:11