Thanks for the clarification. I just wanted to confirm as I was already confused with some other things in finding the rms slope.
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Jun 11 2021
Jun 4 2021
Jun 3 2021
It's all a matter of how the Fourier transform is normalized (the 1/2pi factors in forward/backward transforms) and which system of coordinates (frequencies or angular frequencies). Some people define the psd with a normalizing factor, some don't. However, the answer computed by Tamaas (both analytically in the spectrum object and numericaly with computeSpectralRMSSlope) agree with a finite difference calculation, which means that the normalization I use is at least self-consistent.
Thank you very much, Lucas. Increasing the number of points compared to q2 reduced the bias like you suggested.
Jun 2 2021
Hello Yaswanth,
Jun 1 2021
Jul 27 2020
Jul 24 2020
Jul 22 2020
Thanks for the report. I've pushed a patch that should correct these errors. These were mostly due to newer versions of packages than what I have running in my test instance. Let me know if it works now.
Apr 17 2020
Apr 16 2020
Apr 15 2020
Feb 27 2020
Dec 10 2019
Ah ok merci ! J'avais pas vu cette syntaxe sur leur documentation. Du coup je vais voir si j'arrive à avoir le badge rtd en png.
Dec 9 2019
J'ai vu passer tes commits, du coup je me permet de commenter. Phab supporte les images externe sauf le SVG, car ils estiment que c'est impossible à sécuriser.
Du coup si tu arrives à avoir un badge en PNG/JPG ca joue, avec la syntax suivante (enfin la ca joue pas car c'est du svg)