
Update git repository in preparation for qhull 2015.0.2 qhulltest OK…

Authored by Brad Barber <bradb@shore.net> on Sep 1 2015, 03:47.


Update git repository in preparation for qhull 2015.0.2 qhulltest OK make testall OK Qt, CMake, and make build OK

Summary of Perforce changes @1811,@1954 from Jan 17, 2015 to date
See src/Changes.txt

    Remove qhull_inuse
    Add qh_lib_check to verify library compatibility
    Change qh.vertex_visit, vertexT.id, ridgeT.id, qh.vertex_id, and qh.ridge_id to 32-bits
    *.c: Prefix include headers with directory name (e.g., libqhull_r/)
    user_r.c: Clear qhT.ALLOWrestart in qh_errexit
    global_r.c: Check that qh.NOerrexit is cleared before call to qh_initflags
         User must clear NOerrexit after setjmp()
    global_r.c: Add qh_zero to reset qhT before first use.  Needed for user_eg_r.c
    global_r.c: Add qh_lib_check() for library compatibility
    global_r.c: Add qh_zero() to initialize and zero memory for qh_new_qhull
    global_r.c: Version includes a '.r' suffix to indicate 'reentrant'
    global_r.c: Guarantee that qh->run_id!=0.  Old code assumed that qh_RANDOMint was 31 bits
    io_r.c: Commented out qh_compare_vertexpoint.  Not used and not implemented in libqhull_r
    mem_r.c: Add qh_memcheck() to verify memory buffers
    mem_r.h: Define ptr_intT as 'long long' for __MINGW64__ [A. Voskov]
    qconvex_r.c,etc: Comment-out _isatty declaration.  Avoids "C4273 ... inconsistent dll linkage"
    random_r.c:  Moved global variable qh_last_random to qhT.last_random
    rboxpoints_r.c: Replace longjmp with qh_errexit_rbox
    stat_r.c: Remove qh_freestatistics().  Part of qhT now.
    Rename 'int' to 'countT' where more than 32-bits may be needed
    Remove old code for __MWERKS__ && __POWERPC__
    Replace qh_pointid returns with qh_IDunknown, qh_IDnone, and qh_IDinterior
    Points are equal if same coordinates
    Add in-line comment about expected warnings (e.g., **freelistp)
    Remove vertexT.dim -- No longer used by C++

    Reentrant files are named with '_r' suffix
    Deprecated qh_QHpointer files are named with '_p' suffix
    Removed the 'p' builds for qh_QHpointer.  They were confusing
      Renamed libqhull_p.vcproj to qhull_p.vcproj
    Makefile: Reorganized targets: test, qtestall, and testall
    Makefile,etc: Changed to gcc -O3 (was -O2)

    libqhull_r/Makefile: Add 'make help' and 'make test'
    Use mingw-w64 instaed of mingw
    Use 'Win64' tag for CMake
    Removed Debian 'config' directory, doesn't work
    Removed qhull_interface.cpp
      'math.h' is apparently no longer a problem.  Perhaps include it before qhull_a.h
    Removed make-vcproj.sh -- too specific to VC 2005

    See "C++ interface" in Changes.txt for notes on migrating C++ code
    Changes.txt: Add notes on 'countT'
    Clarified qhalf space documentation for the interior point [J. Santos]
    Rearrange qh-code.htm to emphasis C++ interface.  Move performance and wish list to end

    QhullFacet: Increment Zdistio statistic
    QhullHyperplane: Remove default constructor
    QhullPoint: Change operator==() to sqrt(distanceEpsilon)
    QhullPoints: Enable operator=()
    PointCoordinates: Add assignment of base class QhullPoints to operator=
    PointCoordinates: Rename point_comment to describe_points
    QhullQh: Add qh.ISqhullQH to indicate initialization
    QhullSet,etc: Include <cstddef> for ptrdiff_t
    QhullSet: Enable operator=.  Copy constructor and assignment only copies pointers
    QhullSet<T>: Add 'typename T' to definition of value()
    QhullVertexSet: error if qhsettemp_defined at copy constructor/assignment (otherwise double free)

    Delete Point_test.cpp.  It was replaced by QhullPoint_test.cpp
    Add QhullVertexSet_test.cpp to qhulltest.pro
    Moved UseOutputStream to a field with enableOutputStream
    Removed UsingLibQhuill*.cpp.  It is not needed with reentrant Qhull


Brad Barber <bradb@shore.net>Sep 1 2015, 03:47
jungeOct 20 2016, 12:59
rCADDMESHf70251e93633: Update copyright to 2015

Event Timeline

Brad Barber <bradb@shore.net> committed rCADDMESH79c6a29dedda: Update git repository in preparation for qhull 2015.0.2 qhulltest OK… (authored by Brad Barber <bradb@shore.net>).Sep 1 2015, 03:47