
Merge branch 'integration' into weighted-balancing

Authored by Axel Kohlmeyer <akohlmey@gmail.com> on Aug 31 2016, 12:42.


Merge branch 'integration' into weighted-balancing

Event Timeline

Axel Kohlmeyer <akohlmey@gmail.com> committed rLAMMPS10edfa297bbc: Merge branch 'integration' into weighted-balancing (authored by Axel Kohlmeyer <akohlmey@gmail.com>).Aug 31 2016, 12:42

Merged Changes

This commit merges a very large number of changes. Only the first 50 are shown.
62b7b69a87b0Steve Plimpton
Merge branch 'init' into integration 
Aug 30 2016
1c1c9c310146Axel Kohlmeyer
use correct order when initializing arrays 
Aug 29 2016
48ba812f0adaAnders Hafreager/Axel Kohlmeyer
Fixed initialization of arrays in computes/fixes in MC package 
Aug 29 2016
f9a21ae65496Anders Hafreager/Axel Kohlmeyer
Fixed initialization of arrays in computes/fixes in MANYBODY package 
Aug 29 2016
d6b9d0b9b6cdAnders Hafreager/Axel Kohlmeyer
Fixed initialization of arrays in fixes 
Aug 29 2016
36e085e393ebAnders Hafreager/Axel Kohlmeyer
Fixed initialization of arrays in fixes 
Aug 29 2016
425142ba2e73Anders Hafreager/Axel Kohlmeyer
Fixed initialization of arrays in fixes 
Aug 29 2016
07eb1d443b27Anders Hafreager/Axel Kohlmeyer
Fixed initialization of arrays in fixes 
Aug 29 2016
265cc14125e4Anders Hafreager/Axel Kohlmeyer
Fixed initialization of arrays in fixes 
Aug 29 2016
fd05a1325ee1Anders Hafreager/Axel Kohlmeyer
Fixed initialization of arrays in fixes 
Aug 29 2016
b5a562788bfaAnders Hafreager/Axel Kohlmeyer
Fixed initialization of arrays in fixes 
Aug 29 2016
2c7241bfe282Anders Hafreager/Axel Kohlmeyer
Fixed initialization of arrays in fixes 
Aug 29 2016
ee2f6ded2990Anders Hafreager/Axel Kohlmeyer
Fixed initialization of arrays in fixes 
Aug 29 2016
db077ef186c2Anders Hafreager/Axel Kohlmeyer
Fixed initialization of arrays in fixes 
Aug 29 2016
Merge pull request #5 from akohlmey/initialize-pointers 
Aug 28 2016
3a1397dc7c36Steve Plimpton
sync with SVN 
Aug 28 2016
Merge pull request #9 from rbberger/remove_sha1sum_dependency 
Aug 28 2016
Merge pull request #11 from akohlmey/python3-for-make-py 
Aug 28 2016
Merge pull request #12 from akohlmey/shell-script-paranoia 
Aug 28 2016
c80dad002883Steve Plimpton
new fix flow/gauss command 
Aug 28 2016
c570bf26e0d8Axel Kohlmeyer
enforce C or POSIX locale in all shell scripts and turn of enforced global grep… 
Aug 27 2016
742c853775bbAxel Kohlmeyer
need to ignore src/Make.py.last as well 
Aug 26 2016
9932b7322702Axel Kohlmeyer
Merge branch 'integration' into python3-for-make-py 
Aug 26 2016
90272f6c711dAxel Kohlmeyer
some more tweaks needed to improve python2/3 compatibility 
Aug 26 2016
8dd42789f8b9Axel Kohlmeyer
correct for futurize not being able to fully convert functionality of the… 
Aug 26 2016
a0592d1b6449Steve Plimpton
Merge branch 'gitignore-improvements' into integration 
Aug 26 2016
9be235d87258Axel Kohlmeyer
improved .gitignore files to show only changes in relevant folders and files 
Aug 26 2016
2beecd1e7351Steve Plimpton
removal of doc/html/_sources and minor sync with SVN 
Aug 26 2016
95aabdf51a96Richard Berger
Add MacOS X instructions to doc generation README 
Aug 26 2016
ea368919f3b5Richard Berger
Remove sha1sum dependency for doc generation 
Aug 26 2016
74516b571edfAxel Kohlmeyer
port Make.py so it is compatible with python 2.7 *and* python 3.x 
Aug 25 2016
7d43f349e6d8Anders Hafreager/Axel Kohlmeyer
Fixed initialization of arrays in computes 
Aug 24 2016
5e811f16e87dAnders Hafreager/Axel Kohlmeyer
Fixed initialization of arrays in computes 
Aug 24 2016
fcd54f02e6b7Anders Hafreager/Axel Kohlmeyer
Fixed initialization of arrays in computes 
Aug 24 2016
1f3ef8e0ee5eAnders Hafreager/Axel Kohlmeyer
Fixed initialization of arrays in computes 
Aug 24 2016
3e793d6eb748Anders Hafreager/Axel Kohlmeyer
Fixed initialization of arrays in computes 
Aug 24 2016
95dde5c04128Anders Hafreager/Axel Kohlmeyer
Fixed initialization of arrays in computes 
Aug 24 2016
d09a85733bceAnders Hafreager/Axel Kohlmeyer
Fixed initialization of arrays in computes 
Aug 24 2016
0e7ce194eb7aAnders Hafreager/Axel Kohlmeyer
Fixed initialization of arrays in computes 
Aug 24 2016
e27196e91c96Steve Plimpton
doc files 
Aug 24 2016
268fdab71ba3Steve Plimpton
Merge branch 'small-bugfixes' into integration 
Aug 23 2016
8750515cc44dSteve Plimpton
changed dump.cpp back to the way it was 
Aug 23 2016
270b07b03537Steve Plimpton
Merge branch 'integration' into small-bugfixes 
Aug 23 2016
abc5a32c8a4bSteve Plimpton
gpu lib sync 
Aug 23 2016
0a3464eb30eeSteve Plimpton
Aug 23 2016
fixed integer division problem in python code snippet 
Aug 23 2016
50a82bb345d3Axel Kohlmeyer
address uninitialized variable issues pointed out by valgrind/coverity 
Aug 22 2016
5909bd54298eAxel Kohlmeyer
correct bug in tracking atom->nlocal vs. atom->nmax when allocating pbc… 
Aug 22 2016
138368404844Axel Kohlmeyer
fix bug in recent dump changes for -DLAMMPS_BIGBIG 
Aug 22 2016
587bafdf2de5Richard Berger/Axel Kohlmeyer
Remove memory leak and unnecessary allocation 
Aug 22 2016