
Implement policies in Phragment

Authored by James Rhodes <jrhodes@redpointsoftware.com.au> on Dec 13 2013, 04:42.


Implement policies in Phragment

Summary: This implements support for enforcing and setting policies in Phragment.

Test Plan: Set policies and ensured they were enforced successfully.

Reviewers: epriestley, #blessed_reviewers

Reviewed By: epriestley

CC: Korvin, epriestley, aran

Maniphest Tasks: T4205

Differential Revision: https://secure.phabricator.com/D7751


Event Timeline

James Rhodes <jrhodes@redpointsoftware.com.au> committed rPH86ec4d602137: Implement policies in Phragment (authored by James Rhodes <jrhodes@redpointsoftware.com.au>).Dec 13 2013, 04:42