
Give SSL a better fallback path in HTTPSFuture.

Authored by Ricky Elrod <ricky@elrod.me> on Nov 22 2012, 17:43.


Give SSL a better fallback path in HTTPSFuture.

This patch provides a better fallback path for SSL certificates in libphutil.
The path now works like this:

  • See if a certificate has been set externally (e.g. by arcanist -- I'll get to this in a minute).
  • See if a custom.pem exists. This provides another "local" option before we ask the system for a global option.
  • Ask php if curl.cainfo is set, and use that.
  • Lastly, fall back to default.pem, which ships with libphutil.

As for setting the certificate externally -- I'd like to (next) patch Arcanist
to accept an "ssl_cert" key in .arcrc, for specific hosts, and use it if it
exists. The ssl cert there will be the full certificate. It prevents the user
from having to maintain bundles of certs themselves. It also allows for saner
fallback -- e.g. if I use arc for both secure.phabricator.com and my own
instance with a custom cert -- previously Phabricator would try to use
custom.pem for both. This patch provides a way to fix that issue, and a
patch to Arcanist will provide the actual fix.

Test Plan:
Lots of stuff. :)

  • Threw a custom.pem in libphutil/resources/ssl, and it tried to use it.
  • Added a curl.cainfo and saw that it wasn't used (custom.pem takes precedence).
  • Moved the custom.pem out of the way, and saw that curl.cainfo was now used.
  • Removed curl.cainfo and saw it fall back to default.pem.

Reviewers: epriestley

Reviewed By: epriestley

CC: aran, Korvin

Differential Revision: https://secure.phabricator.com/D3953


epriestley <git@epriestley.com>Nov 22 2012, 17:43
aubortMar 17 2017, 12:03
rPHUb913346beb83: Fix some libphutil lint warnings

Event Timeline

epriestley <git@epriestley.com> committed rPHUd43f58fec407: Give SSL a better fallback path in HTTPSFuture. (authored by Ricky Elrod <ricky@elrod.me>).Nov 22 2012, 17:43