| Commit | | | Author | Details | Committed |
| db38c26db03a | | | Curtis Rueden | Use sc.fiji.coloc as package prefix | May 3 2017 |
| 7479ef73dd90 | | | Curtis Rueden | Organize imports | May 3 2017 |
| b7f84a775050 | | | Curtis Rueden | Fix a memory leak | May 3 2017 |
| acfe92317c3a | | | Curtis Rueden | Coloc_2: remove old main method | May 3 2017 |
| 5230beb0482f | | | Curtis Rueden | Make SpearmanRankCorrelation not static | May 3 2017 |
| 125146324f1a | | | Curtis Rueden | Dispose the SingleWindowDisplay window on close | May 3 2017 |
| ad56fd31ad91 | | | Curtis Rueden | SingleWindowDisplay: do not keep list of displays | May 3 2017 |
| d9e552927c2f | | | Curtis Rueden | Add a Groovy script to test programmatic execution | May 3 2017 |
| ca1c74598c2a | | | Ellen T Arena/Curtis Rueden | Coloc_2: split settings logic out of showDialog | May 3 2017 |
| 9b46bccd3a2c | | | Curtis Rueden | Coloc_2: fix Eclipse warnings | May 3 2017 |
| 9962b762390a | | | Curtis Rueden | Coloc_2: add support for headless operation | May 3 2017 |
| 2db10aeef83a | | | Curtis Rueden | Coloc_2: return analysis results data structure | May 3 2017 |
| 312b100b876a | | | Curtis Rueden | Coloc_2: add support for passing additional handlers | May 3 2017 |
| 8a9515166dbb | | | Curtis Rueden | Coloc_2: clean up style | May 3 2017 |