
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:facebook/phabricator

Authored by Chad Little <chad@chadsdomain.com> on Nov 6 2013, 04:05.


Merge branch 'master' of github.com:facebook/phabricator

Event Timeline

Chad Little <chad@chadsdomain.com> committed rPHb6c88bd6c1aa: Merge branch 'master' of github.com:facebook/phabricator (authored by Chad Little <chad@chadsdomain.com>).Nov 6 2013, 04:05

Merged Changes

Fix an issue with non-bare Git repositories and non-master branches 
Nov 6 2013
Return HTTP 500, not HTTP 200, on exception pages 
Nov 6 2013
Don't throw when user tries to use an empty password via HTTP auth 
Nov 6 2013
e4569e7e7e2eJames Rhodes/epriestley
Implement interface for adding, editing and deleting build steps on plans. 
Nov 5 2013
c514d34b9456James Rhodes/epriestley
Add build step implementation infrastructure and sleep build step. 
Nov 5 2013
5c0edc935102Aviv Eyal/epriestley
Land Revision button for hosted git repos 
Nov 5 2013
ca5400d14bcbJames Rhodes/epriestley
Implement basic Harbormaster daemon and start builds. 
Nov 5 2013
Expand "local working copy" conditional check in Diffusion 
Nov 5 2013
Fix issue with new branch query data getting used incorrectly 
Nov 5 2013