| Commit | | | Author | Details | Committed |
| b25fce7b473c | | | Jiri Kuncar | general: merge fixes | Jun 25 2014 |
| e3a98eb3aa25 | | | Jiri Kuncar | Merge branch 'master' into next | Jun 23 2014 |
| 96d4e02c9c87 | | | Jiri Kuncar | Merge branch 'master' into next | Jun 23 2014 |
| e6ea988342a9 | | | Jiri Kuncar | Merge branch 'master' into next | Jun 17 2014 |
| 2461c205a758 | | | Jiri Kuncar | Merge branch 'master' into next | Jun 7 2014 |
| bfedeb097ee9 | | | Tibor Simko | Merge branch 'maint-1.1' | May 21 2014 |
| 6ee52a896339 | | | Tibor Simko | Merge branch 'maint-1.0' into maint-1.1 | May 21 2014 |
| 09c210d81bed | | | Tibor Simko | installation: GnuPG key server location update | May 21 2014 |
| 9eb20f433d72 | | | Tibor Simko | installation: README.rst with build status badges | May 21 2014 |
| 957d47175940 | | | Fredrik Nygård Carlsen | errorlib: support for Sentry logging | May 15 2014 |
| 881d54b2964d | | | Tibor Simko | WebSearch: initial support for recjson output | May 5 2014 |
| 834862532e03 | | | Tibor Simko | I18N: fix wrong msgids in Persian translation | Apr 25 2014 |
| 2f216e0a2772 | | | Tibor Simko | WebSearch: fix detailed record page tab tracebacks | Apr 25 2014 |
| aff3cb92a9ba | | | Mehdi Zahedi/Tibor Simko | I18N: updates to the Persian translation | Apr 17 2014 |
| 25d64a55bc9e | | | Petros Ioannidis/Tibor Simko | WebSession: disable ORCID login | Apr 17 2014 |
| 391be32e0c18 | | | Nikolaos Kasioumis/Tibor Simko | WebSession: Python-2.4 combatibility issue fix | Apr 17 2014 |
| 70f1dc609105 | | | Nikolaos Kasioumis/Tibor Simko | WebSubmit: file stamper option to copy metadata | Apr 17 2014 |
| db9f02ddb710 | | | Samuele Kaplun | OAIHarvest: respect hidden fields | Apr 9 2014 |
| 4130ae882093 | | | Samuele Kaplun | intbitset: initialization from iterator | Apr 8 2014 |
| 6cfac47dfe32 | | | Esteban J. G. Gabancho/Tibor Simko | BibField: backported improvements from pu | Apr 3 2014 |
| 9b7e4b9be88e | | | Tibor Simko | Merge branch 'maint-1.1' | Mar 26 2014 |
| fe1388813b6d | | | Jerome Caffaro/Tibor Simko | BibEncode: fix video-encoded files synchro to DB | Mar 26 2014 |
| 87e5c75aa170 | | | Tibor Simko | Merge branch 'maint-1.1' | Mar 24 2014 |
| 2402e12a01c5 | | | Tibor Simko | Merge branch 'maint-1.0' into maint-1.1 | Mar 24 2014 |
| 5511a66e5c26 | | | Tibor Simko | installation: location of jquery.treeview | Mar 24 2014 |
| 9280cd6a038e | | | Tibor Simko | Merge branch 'maint-1.1' | Mar 19 2014 |
| 763968ff224e | | | Tibor Simko | NEWS: fix v1.1.3 version number | Mar 19 2014 |
| 3ec80203a6af | | | Tibor Simko | BibFormat: fix for eval_format_element return type | Mar 18 2014 |
| 75d1cd62303a | | | Grzegorz Szpura/Tibor Simko | bibindex: new filename index | Mar 14 2014 |
| d6ff04729860 | | | Grzegorz Szpura/Tibor Simko | BibIndex: changes in WordTable argument list | Mar 14 2014 |
| a53a531893f9 | | | Grzegorz Szpura/Tibor Simko | BibIndex: PEP8 compliance fixes | Mar 14 2014 |
| d435254bcebe | | | Tibor Simko | Merge branch 'maint-1.1' | Mar 13 2014 |
| 40c208ec8b69 | | | Jerome Caffaro/Tibor Simko | BibDocFile: convert files and icons asynchronously | Mar 13 2014 |
| bdfaee38efd3 | | | Jerome Caffaro/Tibor Simko | BibSched: more customizable icon creation tasklet | Mar 13 2014 |
| 0b71fe56a132 | | | Ludmila Marian/Tibor Simko | BibSched: icons creation tasklet | Mar 13 2014 |
| 00cb24d5f34b | | | Tibor Simko | Merge branch 'maint-1.1' | Mar 13 2014 |
| 8afd09a64c95 | | | Jerome Caffaro/Tibor Simko | WebSubmit: new Create_Modify_Interface parameters | Mar 13 2014 |
| d3fbc25bb5cb | | | Jerome Caffaro/Tibor Simko | WebSubmit: value escaping for modifications | Mar 13 2014 |
| a3c8103de88a | | | Jerome Caffaro/Tibor Simko | WebSubmit: better value escaping | Mar 13 2014 |
| e53e80432cc3 | | | Grzegorz Szpura/Tibor Simko | BibIndex: fix for virtual index filtering | Mar 13 2014 |
| 63602526b397 | | | Grzegorz Szpura/Tibor Simko | WebStat: list link fix for system health UI page | Mar 6 2014 |
| 275f3695b9c9 | | | Grzegorz Szpura/Tibor Simko | BibIndex: new DOI index | Mar 6 2014 |
| d071120788ec | | | Grzegorz Szpura/Tibor Simko | BibIndex: virtual index queue dupe optimisation | Mar 6 2014 |
| 522828b91c24 | | | Grzegorz Szpura/Tibor Simko | BibIndex: new 'all-virtual' CLI option | Mar 6 2014 |
| 32e36adc0b9d | | | Grzegorz Szpura/Tibor Simko | BibIndex: minor engine refactoring | Mar 6 2014 |
| ed2b196989f5 | | | Jerome Caffaro/Tibor Simko | WebSearch: update collection page markup | Mar 5 2014 |
| 9f278668ddaa | | | Jerome Caffaro/Tibor Simko | WebComment: deleted record message | Mar 5 2014 |
| f5fc3efa88a0 | | | Jerome Caffaro/Tibor Simko | WebSearch: fix search URL in timeout message | Mar 5 2014 |
| 7b6bdfdf31da | | | Jerome Caffaro/Tibor Simko | WebAccess: CERN-specific authorization message | Mar 5 2014 |
| 4b4dd8d6dddc | | | Jerome Caffaro/Tibor Simko | WebSearch: CERN-specific collection sorting | Mar 5 2014 |